
Generation Z introduces youngsters with an interest in the moving image to cinema as a means of discovering new talents and possibilities. Stichting Oxville from Amsterdam, Kinograph from Brussels and La Friche/ Cinéma le Gyptis from Marseille join hands to create cinema hubs on a local level in challenging districts with poor or non-existing cinema infrastructure. 

The aim of the project is to realize a new film and cultural offer in the cinema, giving the young European audience – Generation Z – dynamic, collective experiences. These experiences allow young Europeans to position themselves as more than just a spectator: as a programmer and maker.

By creating activities that help develop the engagement and commitment of a young audiences and actively exchange knowledge and experience between the participants of Generation Z and the partners, it will be better understood how the cinema can be used as a platform for creating cultural and social synergy. In particular among the young European audience of Generation Z.

In Amsterdam, eight to twelve-year-olds from the New West district discover the cinematic landscape and learn about the possibilities that the silver screen has to offer. Generation Z encourages the participants to discover talents starting from their own environment and interests and then to point out new possibilities and challenges. In a similar way, the youngsters in Marseille (twelve to eighteen-years-old) will participate in the film workshops to rediscover the silver screen. In Brussels the students of Generation Z will add a new fresh programming section to Kinograph.

We have created an online platform ( where all information is made available. The results and expertise that we gain during this project will be made available to others. Our focus is also to promote mutual cooperation and exchange knowledge within Europe.

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    Generation Z is funded by: